Basic Adjectives in French
August 1, 2024
Possessive Adjectives in French
August 1, 2024

Regular Verbs in Present Tense

Learning how to conjugate regular verbs in the present tense is a fundamental step in mastering French Grammar. This essential grammar topic allows you to describe actions, states, and events happening in the present. In this guide, we will focus on the conjugation patterns of regular verbs ending in -er, -ir, and -re, providing you with plenty of examples to practice and master their usage.

Introduction to Regular Verbs

Regular verbs in French Grammar follow specific patterns based on their endings. The three main groups of regular verbs are:

  1. -er verbs: These are the most common type of verbs in French.
  2. -ir verbs: These verbs also follow a regular conjugation pattern.
  3. -re verbs: Though less common, they still follow a distinct pattern.

Understanding these patterns will significantly improve your ability to conjugate and use verbs correctly in sentences.

Conjugation of -ER Verbs

Let’s start with the -er verbs, which are the most numerous and commonly used in French Grammar. Here is the conjugation pattern using the verb parler (to speak):

  • Je parle (I speak)
  • Tu parles (You speak – singular informal)
  • Il/Elle/On parle (He/She/One speaks)
  • Nous parlons (We speak)
  • Vous parlez (You speak – singular formal/plural)
  • Ils/Elles parlent (They speak – masculine/feminine)

The conjugation pattern involves removing the -er ending from the infinitive verb and adding the appropriate endings: -e, -es, -e, -ons, -ez, -ent.

Examples with -ER Verbs:

  • Chanter (to sing): Je chante, Tu chantes, Il/Elle chante, Nous chantons, Vous chantez, Ils/Elles chantent.
  • Aimer (to love): J’aime, Tu aimes, Il/Elle aime, Nous aimons, Vous aimez, Ils/Elles aiment.
  • Jouer (to play): Je joue, Tu joues, Il/Elle joue, Nous jouons, Vous jouez, Ils/Elles jouent.

Conjugation of -IR Verbs

The -ir verbs also follow a regular pattern. Here is the conjugation pattern using the verb finir (to finish):

  • Je finis (I finish)
  • Tu finis (You finish – singular informal)
  • Il/Elle/On finit (He/She/One finishes)
  • Nous finissons (We finish)
  • Vous finissez (You finish – singular formal/plural)
  • Ils/Elles finissent (They finish – masculine/feminine)

The conjugation involves removing the -ir ending and adding the appropriate endings: -is, -is, -it, -issons, -issez, -issent.

Examples with -IR Verbs:

  • Choisir (to choose): Je choisis, Tu choisis, Il/Elle choisit, Nous choisissons, Vous choisissez, Ils/Elles choisissent.
  • Réussir (to succeed): Je réussis, Tu réussis, Il/Elle réussit, Nous réussissons, Vous réussissez, Ils/Elles réussissent.
  • Grandir (to grow): Je grandis, Tu grandis, Il/Elle grandit, Nous grandissons, Vous grandissez, Ils/Elles grandissent.

Conjugation of -RE Verbs

Lastly, let’s look at the -re verbs. Here is the conjugation pattern using the verb vendre (to sell):

  • Je vends (I sell)
  • Tu vends (You sell – singular informal)
  • Il/Elle/On vend (He/She/One sells)
  • Nous vendons (We sell)
  • Vous vendez (You sell – singular formal/plural)
  • Ils/Elles vendent (They sell – masculine/feminine)

The conjugation involves removing the -re ending and adding the appropriate endings: -s, -s, , -ons, -ez, -ent.

Examples with -RE Verbs:

  • Attendre (to wait): J’attends, Tu attends, Il/Elle attend, Nous attendons, Vous attendez, Ils/Elles attendent.
  • Perdre (to lose): Je perds, Tu perds, Il/Elle perd, Nous perdons, Vous perdez, Ils/Elles perdent.
  • Répondre (to answer): Je réponds, Tu réponds, Il/Elle répond, Nous répondons, Vous répondez, Ils/Elles répondent.

Practical Usage in Sentences

Understanding how to conjugate regular verbs is important, but knowing how to use them in context is crucial. Here are some examples of sentences using regular verbs:

  1. -ER Verbs:
  • Je parle français. (I speak French.)
  • Tu chantes bien. (You sing well.)
  • Nous aimons voyager. (We love to travel.)
  1. -IR Verbs:
  • Il finit ses devoirs. (He finishes his homework.)
  • Vous choisissez un film. (You choose a movie.)
  • Elles grandissent vite. (They grow up fast.)
  1. -RE Verbs:
  • Je vends des livres. (I sell books.)
  • Tu attends le bus. (You wait for the bus.)
  • Nous répondons aux questions. (We answer the questions.)

Common Mistakes and Tips

  1. Mixing Up Endings: A common mistake is to mix up the endings of different verb groups. Practice each group separately to avoid confusion.
  • Incorrect: Je finis mes devoirs (from -ir verbs)
  • Correct: Je vends mes devoirs (from -re verbs)
  1. Pronunciation: Pay attention to pronunciation, especially for verbs that sound similar.
  • Example: parler (to speak) vs. partir (to leave)
  1. Regular Practice: Regular practice with conjugation exercises and using verbs in sentences will help solidify your understanding.
  2. Use Mnemonics: Create mnemonic devices to remember the endings for each verb group.
  • For -er verbs: Every Summer Explorers Often Examine Eagles.
  • For -ir verbs: I Saw I See I See Elephants.
  • For -re verbs: Sometimes Snakes See Other Elephants Eating.

Practice Exercises

Here are some exercises to help you practice conjugating and using regular verbs in sentences:

  1. Conjugate the following -er verbs:
  • Regarder (to watch): Je , Tu , Il/Elle , Nous , Vous , Ils/Elles .
  • Danser (to dance): Je , Tu , Il/Elle , Nous , Vous , Ils/Elles . Answers:
  • Je regarde, Tu regardes, Il/Elle regarde, Nous regardons, Vous regardez, Ils/Elles regardent.
  • Je danse, Tu danses, Il/Elle danse, Nous dansons, Vous dansez, Ils/Elles dansent.
  1. Conjugate the following -ir verbs:
  • Finir (to finish): Je , Tu , Il/Elle , Nous , Vous , Ils/Elles .
  • Choisir (to choose): Je , Tu , Il/Elle , Nous , Vous , Ils/Elles . Answers:
  • Je finis, Tu finis, Il/Elle finit, Nous finissons, Vous finissez, Ils/Elles finissent.
  • Je choisis, Tu choisis, Il/Elle choisit, Nous choisissons, Vous choisissez, Ils/Elles choisissent.
  1. Conjugate the following -re verbs:
  • Vendre (to sell): Je , Tu , Il/Elle , Nous , Vous , Ils/Elles .
  • Attendre (to wait): Je , Tu , Il/Elle , Nous , Vous , Ils/Elles . Answers:
  • Je vends, Tu vends, Il/Elle vend, Nous vendons, Vous vendez, Ils/Elles vendent.
  • J’attends, Tu attends, Il/Elle attend, Nous attendons, Vous attendez, Ils/Elles attendent.
  1. Translate the following sentences into French:
  • I finish my homework.
  • You (informal) choose a book.
  • He sells his car.
  • We watch a movie.
  • They (feminine) wait for the train. Answers:
  • Je finis mes devoirs.
  • Tu choisis un livre.
  • Il vend sa voiture.
  • Nous regardons un film.
  • Elles attendent le train.


Mastering the conjugation of regular verbs in the present tense is a crucial step in learning French. Regular verbs follow predictable patterns, making them

easier to learn and use. By practicing the conjugation and usage of -er, -ir, and -re verbs, you will build a strong foundation for communicating effectively in French. Remember to practice regularly, use the verbs in context, and pay attention to common mistakes to improve your fluency. Bonne chance (good luck) on your journey to mastering French!

French Grammar
French Vocabulary