Possessive Adjectives in French
August 1, 2024
Prepositions of Place in French
August 1, 2024

Demonstrative Pronouns in French

Demonstrative pronouns are essential in any language, allowing us to point out specific people, objects, or ideas. In French Grammar, demonstrative pronouns are used to indicate or emphasize particular nouns. For beginners at the A1 level, understanding and using these pronouns correctly is crucial. This article will cover the basics of French Grammar demonstrative pronouns, their usage, and provide numerous examples to help you grasp their application.

What Are Demonstrative Pronouns?

Demonstrative pronouns are used to point to specific items or people, often translating to “this,” “that,” “these,” or “those” in English. In French Grammar, demonstrative pronouns must agree in gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural) with the noun they replace.

List of French Demonstrative Pronouns

Here is a list of French demonstrative pronouns:

This/That (masculine)Ce/Cet (before a vowel or silent ‘h’)Ces
This/That (feminine)CetteCes
These/Those (both genders)CesCes

Usage of Demonstrative Pronouns

Demonstrative pronouns must match the gender and number of the noun they replace. Here’s a detailed look at each form:

  1. Ce (This/That – Masculine Singular)
  • Used with masculine singular nouns starting with a consonant.
  • Example: Ce livre (this/that book)
  1. Cet (This/That – Masculine Singular)
  • Used with masculine singular nouns starting with a vowel or silent ‘h’.
  • Example: Cet homme (this/that man)
  1. Cette (This/That – Feminine Singular)
  • Used with feminine singular nouns.
  • Example: Cette maison (this/that house)
  1. Ces (These/Those – Plural for both genders)
  • Used with all plural nouns, regardless of gender.
  • Example: Ces enfants (these/those children)

Examples in Sentences

Understanding how to use demonstrative pronouns in sentences is essential for practical application. Here are some examples:

  1. Ce (This/That – Masculine Singular)
  • Ce chien est très grand. (This/That dog is very big.)
  • Ce garçon est mon frère. (This/That boy is my brother.)
  1. Cet (This/That – Masculine Singular)
  • Cet arbre est magnifique. (This/That tree is magnificent.)
  • Cet hôtel est très confortable. (This/That hotel is very comfortable.)
  1. Cette (This/That – Feminine Singular)
  • Cette fleur est belle. (This/That flower is beautiful.)
  • Cette voiture est rapide. (This/That car is fast.)
  1. Ces (These/Those – Plural for both genders)
  • Ces livres sont intéressants. (These/Those books are interesting.)
  • Ces filles sont mes amies. (These/Those girls are my friends.)

Common Mistakes and Tips

  1. Incorrect Agreement: A common mistake is failing to match the demonstrative pronoun with the gender and number of the noun.
  • Incorrect: Cet chien (This/That dog – incorrect gender)
  • Correct: Ce chien (This/That dog – correct gender)
  1. Using Cet before Consonants: Remember to use cet only before masculine nouns starting with a vowel or silent ‘h’.
  • Incorrect: Cet livre (This/That book)
  • Correct: Ce livre (This/That book)
  1. Plural Form Usage: Use ces for all plural nouns, regardless of gender.
  • Incorrect: Ce filles (These/Those girls)
  • Correct: Ces filles (These/Those girls)

Practical Usage in Context

Understanding the context in which to use demonstrative pronouns is crucial. Here are some practical scenarios:

  1. Shopping:
  • Ce pull est trop cher. (This/That sweater is too expensive.)
  • Ces chaussures sont confortables. (These/Those shoes are comfortable.)
  1. Traveling:
  • Cet avion est très grand. (This/That plane is very big.)
  • Ces hôtels sont magnifiques. (These/Those hotels are magnificent.)
  1. Daily Conversations:
  • Cette idée est intéressante. (This/That idea is interesting.)
  • Ces jours sont très occupés. (These/Those days are very busy.)

Practice Exercises

Here are some exercises to help you practice using French demonstrative pronouns:

  1. Fill in the blanks with the correct demonstrative pronoun:
  • (This/That – masculine singular) _ chien est adorable.
  • (These/Those – plural) _ livres sont sur la table.
  • (This/That – feminine singular) _ robe est jolie.
  • (This/That – masculine singular before vowel) _ appartement est spacieux. Answers:
  • Ce chien est adorable.
  • Ces livres sont sur la table.
  • Cette robe est jolie.
  • Cet appartement est spacieux.
  1. Translate the following sentences into French:
  • This/That house is beautiful.
  • These/Those students are intelligent.
  • This/That apple is delicious.
  • These/Those cars are fast. Answers:
  • Cette maison est belle.
  • Ces étudiants sont intelligents.
  • Cette pomme est délicieuse.
  • Ces voitures sont rapides.
  1. Correct the errors in the following sentences:
  • Cet livre est ancien.
  • Ce enfants sont heureux.
  • Cette homme est gentil.
  • Ces chat est mignon. Answers:
  • Ce livre est ancien.
  • Ces enfants sont heureux.
  • Cet homme est gentil.
  • Ce chat est mignon.

Common Uses and Phrases

In addition to the basic uses of demonstrative pronouns, there are some common phrases and expressions in French that utilize these pronouns. Here are a few:

  1. Expressions with Ce/Cet/Cette:
  • Ce n’est pas possible. (This/That is not possible.)
  • Cet été, nous allons en France. (This summer, we are going to France.)
  • Cette fois-ci, c’est différent. (This time, it’s different.)
  1. Expressions with Ces:
  • Ces jours-ci, il fait très froid. (These days, it is very cold.)
  • Ces dernières années, il a beaucoup changé. (In these last years, he has changed a lot.)
  1. Comparison Phrases:
  • Ce film est meilleur que cet autre. (This movie is better than that one.)
  • Ces livres sont plus intéressants que ceux-là. (These books are more interesting than those.)


Mastering demonstrative pronouns in French is essential for clear and precise communication. These pronouns help specify and highlight particular nouns in conversation and writing. By understanding the rules of agreement and practicing with examples and exercises, you can effectively use demonstrative pronouns in your French language journey. Remember to pay attention to gender and number agreement, and to practice regularly to build confidence and fluency. Bonne chance (good luck) on your journey to mastering French!

French Grammar
French Vocabulary